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Friday, October 8, 2010

Microfinance industry

Ghana is developing things are changing not in the olden days and technology has come to stay and make great impact on the life of Ghanaian.
A group called Subtouch Interactive Limited has in a Micro finance system to companies  in Ghana.
Microfinance industry globally is experiencing major growth, fuelled by recognition of the need for financial inclusion of larger population in most countries. Spread of Microfinance business will be greatly assisted by adequate technology.
Microfinance enabling software solutions help small micro institutions in far flung areas to integrate with the networks of national level players and thus enable flow of investments, donations, disbursements, collections etc.
This objective requires MFIs to implement automation of services delivery network, business processes & workflow and above all, building of automated controls, compliance & risk management across growing enterprises.
Smaller size MFIs do not want to invest on technical skills and infrastructure that they can avoid. Hence, such MFIs need solutions that are available on Pay as you Use Models.
A beneficial software solution helps institute strong business processes in MFIs while providing flexibility to incorporate changing processes as per the changing dynamics of the industry. A business-friendly solution also ensures that it accommodates changes to the evolving regulatory environment.
Robustness & Scalability is a must while choosing a software solution.
 And now working Ghana is going to be lovely and easy .

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